Dr. Klinghardt Pre-Surgical Ceramic Implant Protocol.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD is a German Integrative and biological medicine doctor and Innovative researcher who has contributed significantly to the understanding of heavy metal toxicity & its connection with chronic infections, illness & pain.
The following steps come directly from the Klinghardt Academy and outline the procedures to be followed in the Klinghardt Pre-Surgical Ceramic Implant Protocol.
Implant Preparation Recommendations…
- Dietary avoidance recommendations. Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, Refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, flavor enhancers, and trans fatty acids.
- Dietary inclusion recommendations. A Gluten and Dairy Free Diet is recommended.
- Hydration recommendations. Drink enough fluids and Reverse osmosis water 2-3 liters /day.
- Dietary recommendations. Eat good quality protein and as many vegetables as possible with healthy fatty acids.
- Vitamin 3D 20’000 units
- Omega 3
- Zinc
- Magnesium
- Vitamin K2 MK7
Take them at a high dose, but please discuss with your medical doctor first before begining therapy, It is best to be tested with ART (Autonomic Response Testing) so you get the correct dose and supplement for your body.
Did You Know?
Ceramic dental implants have the most chance of success, and least failure when no detox protocols are followed after surgery for at least 1 month. Please discuss with your holistic medical practitioner when to start detoxing again.
Dr. Nischwitz Bone Healing Protocol (BHP)…
Dr. Dominik Nischwitz is specialist in biological dentistry and ceramic dental Implants, founding member and is the current President of the ISMI – International Society of Metal-free Implantology.
The following steps come directly from the Nischwitzs Bone Healing Protocol (BHP) and together with the Basic Removal Protocol outline the procedure to be followed in the Enhanced Removal Protocol..
Nutritional Guidelines
- Avoid tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, refined sugar, artificial sweetners, flavor enhancers and trans fatty acids; Gluten and dairy free diet is recommended.
- Drink enough fluids (2-3 L plain water (reverse osmosis) /unsweetened tea).
- Emphasize healthy fatty acids and good quality protein and eat as much veggies as possible.
Supplementation Protocol
- AD3 Supreme. 15 drops for breakfast.
- Multi Supreme. 4 capsules for breakfast.
- Bone & Teeth Supreme. 4 capsules before bedtime.
- Omega 3 Supreme. 2 capsules for breakfast & 3 capsules before bedtime.
- Bromelain Plus. 2 capsules for breakfast, 2 capsules for lunch and 2 capsules for dinner.
Did You Know?
The Bone Healing Protocol should start at least 14 days prior to surgery and is of utmost importance to supply your body with the optimal nutrients for bone and wound regeneration as well as optimal immune support. The BHP supplements last exactly for a total of 4 weeks. If you are struggeling with chronic diseases, the best option is to take it 4 weeks prior to surgery and 4 weeks post surgery (2xBone Healing Protocol).
Our Advanced Protocol…
Costa Rican BioDental is a pioneer in giving patients the option to choose metal-free and ceramic zirconia dental implants.
The following recommendations are derived from a whole food plant-based diet, which not only promotes proper and faster healing but also provides all of the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals to keep us well, nourished and healthy.
Advanced Protocol…
In order to promote implant integration and optimal bone healing to ensure long term comfort and efficiency of the tooth replacement, we recommend:
- LDL blood cholesterol levels are below 1.4 g/L and hematocrit is at most 50%.
- Serum blood levels of vitamin D are at least 50 mol/L.
- The patient supplements daily with 1000 mg of vitamin C, 20,000 units of vitamin D and 400 mcg of vitamin K2.
- No Smoking the patient does not smoke.
In order for the implants to remain healthy and functional in the long run, the patient must follow and correct, if need be, his blood cholesterol and vitamin D levels for the rest of his life.
Advanced Recommendations…
- On the day of surgery drink plenty of pure cold water. Do not excessively flush (swish) surgical areas in order to not to disturb proper clot formation and prevent excessive bleeding.
- Gentle rinsing with salt water (1tsp dissolved in 1 cup of room temperature water) is encouraged. In addition, 2 times a day rinsing with prescription-grade hyaluronic acid is also advisable since it promotes proper and faster gums healing.
- Next day after surgery: 3 to 5 times a day a 100% fruit juices, cold or at room temperature blended with one of the commercially available complete meal organic fruit and veggie powders. Those need to be purchased before arriving to Costa Rica since they are hard to buy down there and are somewhat pricey. Good brands are as follows: a). All in One Organic Meal by Orgain, b). Raw Organic Meal by Garden of Life, c). Vega All in One. They could be purchased either over the internet or directly in the Whole Foods stores or other so-called health food stores.
- In addition, on the second and following days after surgery, besides continuing the diet as recommended, for the next day after surgery, try to eat soft and mashed fruit and vegetables such as bananas, yellow plantains, soft avocados, watermelons, and other mashed melons and soft fruits as well as vegetables such as cooked and mashed or puréed beans(including string beans), peas and lentils, rice and plenty of steamed or sautéed leafy green vegetables such as; spinach, kale or various chards as many times a day as desired. Fruit smoothies such as; orange juice, banana or yellow soft plantain, mango and few leaves of romaine lettuce are also encouraged to consume. Smoothies made with soft berries are not advisable to consume because they contain small seeds that can be trapped in the postoperative gum cervices and can interfere with proper gums healing process.
- Seven days after surgery, a normal diet can be started safely. It is always a good idea not to bite in the areas affected by the surgery as well as maintain a proper oral hygiene by brushing and flossing unaffected teeth.
- If staying at a hotel, it is always a good idea to bring with you a small but powerful travel blender, about 600 ml (20 oz.).
Did You Know?
Ceramic zirconia dental implants are biocompatible and can easily osseointegrate into the jawbone without any foreign body rejection or indication of inflammation.